The Booty Report

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Arrr! Nepal be settin’ TikTok free, makin' nice with the land o' chopsticks, savvy?


Arrr, me hearties! The new captain o' Nepal's ship—who's been cozyin' up with the dragon from the East—be settin' sail on the same course! Avast, keep yer eyes peeled fer treasure or trouble!

Arrr mateys, gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the land o' Nepal, where the winds o' change be blowin' in a curious direction! A new captain be at the helm, a prime minister with a knack for makin' mates with the dragon from the East, China! Aye, it seems this scallywag be plannin' to sail the seas of friendship with the big ol' red flag, chartin' a course that leaves the ol' crew of yore in the dust!

The high seas o' politics be treacherous, no doubt, but this here leader be settin' his compass true. With a wink and a nod, he's lettin' all know that the treasure map be leadin' to China, where the riches and alliances be aplenty! The salty sea-dogs of the past might be scratchin' their heads, wonderin' what happened to the good ol' days, while this new matey be hoistin' the sails for new adventures.

So, hoist the anchor and prepare for a jolly roger of a time, for Nepal's future be lookin' bright with a Chinese wind at its back! Keep yer spyglasses ready, me hearties, as the tides of fortune be ever changin' in this grand adventure of diplomacy!

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