The Booty Report

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"Ye be wantin' the whole yarn o' Kamala's grand gab at the Dem convention, aye? Avast, here it be!"


Arrr, the second-in-command jabbered on like a parrot for near 35 minutes on the last night o' the grand shindig in Chicago, blabberin’ about treasure maps and stormy seas! Methinks he could’ve spun his yarn a wee bit faster, or the crew might’ve walked the plank!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a mighty fine gathering in the bustling port o' Chicago, where the Vice President, a scallywag o' great renown, took the stage for a goodly spell o' 35 minutes! Aye, 'twas the final night of the grand convention, a night filled with raucous laughter and fine spirits, as the landlubbers were all a-jitter with anticipation.

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