The Booty Report

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"Avast ye! 'Incoming' be a jolly jest, not just some scallywag teen flick!"


Arrr, young scallywags be indulgin' in the usual raucous revelry in this jolly high school romp, a right ol' stinker streamin' on Netflix! Grog flowin' and mischief brewin', it be a merry tale of foolishness fit for landlubbers and sea dogs alike!

Ahoy there, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a motley crew of landlubber freshmen, navigatin’ the treacherous waters of high school life! In this jolly romp of a tale, ye shall witness the wild antics and raucous revelries that be fallin' upon these scallywags, as they partake in some most predictable debauchery!

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