The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arrr! Trump be jabberin' 'bout Harris' grand DNC yarn and other ruckus in the news, savvy?"


Avast, me hearties! Snatch yer tales o' the day from the mightiest name in the news seas, tossed straight into yer inbox at the crack o' dawn! Wake up, hoist the sails o’ knowledge, and let the gossip flow like rum! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, gather 'round fer the news from the high seas of politics! Trump, the scallywag, be callin’ out Vice President Harris fer what she be leavin’ unspoken in her DNC speech, shoutin’ about them 'radical Marxists'! Meanwhile, he’s patchin’ things up with a Republican governor, claimin’ he be done with squabblin’ over disloyalty.

But hold yer anchors! RFK Jr.’s takin' a dive from the presidential ballot in Arizona, while tragedy strikes on the waters of Sicily, where a shipwreck be blamed on 'indescribable' crew errors—talk about a cursed voyage! And in a ruckus fit for the seven seas, courts be dismissin’ cases against 70 rogues, includin’ those guilty of DUIs.

Protesters be shoutin’ at Harris, demandin’ a global 'intifada,' while Biden be catchin’ rays at his mate’s mansion, much to the chagrin of the landlubbers! As the Harris-Walz ticket sets sail with a convoluted foreign policy, 27 states be hootin’ about the Biden ATF’s 'attack' on gun owners. And as the rich DNC speakers complain about wealth inequality, the irony be thicker than a pirate's beard!

So, hoist the sails and keep yer eyes peeled, for the political seas be stormy and full of surprises! Yarrr!

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