The Booty Report

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Arrr, the DNC be all abuzz 'bout death, like a scallywag at a ghost feast in Chicago this week!


Arrr, matey! The DNC be sailin' the stormy seas of a deathly culture! Abortion be their treasure map, leadin' to a rift so deep ye could lose a ship! Aye, they be obsessed like seagulls after a biscuit! Har har!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as we chart a course through the turbulent waters of America’s spiritual divide! ‘Tis a time when political conventions be more than mere gatherings; they be the very soul of a party laid bare, a raucous hullabaloo of priorities and passions!Now, cast yer eyes upon the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, where the winds of change be blowin’ in favor of a most controversial issue—abortion! Aye, the fervor surrounding this matter be so loud, it could wake Davy Jones himself from his slumber! With Planned Parenthood setting up shop like a seafaring bazaar, offering free abortions and vasectomies, one must ask: have we turned the sacred act of life into a jolly carnival?This here "culture of death" be threatening to split America right asunder, with half the states banning the practice and the other half cheerin’ it on! ‘Tis a grim fate for the wee ones, determined by naught but the address of their mothers. Aye, what be we doin’ to our future generations?As we sail through these murky waters, two Americas emerge: one pro-family and thriving, the other a dark, chaotic realm where innocence be forsaken. So hoist yer flags high and choose wisely, for every life be a treasure, and we must defend the most vulnerable among us! Yarrr!

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