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Arrr! The Taliban be makin' a ruckus, shuttin' women's squawks and bare mugs—what a jolly sight that be!


Arrr, matey! The scallywags in charge o' Afghanistan be makin' a right ruckus, bannin' lassies from speakin' and showin' their pretty mugs! Under the so-called "vice and virtue" code, they be treatin' women like treasure they don't want to see. Blimey, what a hullabaloo!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about the land of Afghanistan, ruled by the scallywags known as the Taliban, who’ve conjured up a fresh batch of laws to keep the fair lasses silent and veiled! Aye, under the watchful eye of their supreme leader, Hibatullah Akhundzada, they be makin' sure women be more covered than a treasure chest on a stormy night!

These new edicts, crafted by the Ministry of “Propagatin’ Virtue and Preventin’ Vice,” ban women from showin’ their faces or lettin’ their sweet voices drift through the public air. They even penned a 114-page tome of rules about everythin’ from transportin’ the fair maids to celebratin’ with a jig—music be forbidden, I tell ye!

Now, Article 13 tells us that women must be clad head to toe to avoid temptin’ the lads, and their voices be deemed too intimate for public ears! If a lass dares to sing or speak aloud, she be walkin’ the plank of punishment! Meanwhile, the ministry plots to stomp out vice and keep the seas of morality calm, all while creatin’ a climate of fear likened to a ship in a tempest.

So, raise a tankard to ye brave souls in Afghanistan, for they be facin’ the storm of these absurd laws with naught but grit and a dash of humor! Arrr!

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