The Booty Report

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Ahoy matey! What be the scuttlebutt 'bout them landlubber execs sailin' with ol' Mike Lynch on his fine ship?


Arrr, matey! Two savvy sea dogs, chums o' the tech tycoon, vanished like a ghost ship after their grand galleon took a dive off Sicily’s shores! Aye, I reckon Davy Jones be havin' a hearty laugh at their expense!

Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round, for I be tellin' ye a tale of woe fit for the high seas! A pair o' scallywags, two cunning business figures, did set sail upon a grand superyacht, glimmerin' like a treasure chest in the sun, all decked out for a jolly good time. These fine mates were associates of a notorious tech mogul, known far and wide for his shiny gadgets and gold-plated dreams.

But lo and behold! As the waves did dance and the winds did howl, calamity struck! Down went the mighty vessel, sinkin’ faster than a lead anchor, right off the fair shores of Sicily, where the pasta be plentiful and the piratin’ be scarce. Like two fish out of water, our business buccaneers vanished into the deep blue, leavin’ naught but a trail of bubbles and a perplexed crew scratchin’ their heads.

Now, there be whispers of mermaids and sea monsters, but I reckon those two are just takin’ a long swim to the next tavern! So, raise yer mugs, me mateys, to the lost lads, may they find their way back or at least enjoy a fine seafood feast down below! Yarrr, what a tale of folly on the high seas!

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