The Booty Report

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Arrr, gun-totin' scallywags be beggin' the high court to toss a mighty Maryland blunder 'gainst their iron cannons!


Arrr, matey! The swashbucklers of the Second Amendment be beggin' the Supreme Court to set sail on a case ‘gainst Maryland’s ban on them fancy semiautomatic rifles! Just last month, a court be givin' it the thumbs-up, but these hearty buccaneers be wantin' another round!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about a grand tussle over the right to bear arms in the fair land of Maryland! Two mighty factions, the Firearms Policy Coalition and the Second Amendment Foundation, be callin' upon the Supreme Court to weigh anchor and take on the case of Snope v. Brown, challenge the dastardly "Assault Weapons Ban of 2013," which a lower court deemed shipshape and legal.

The Fourth Circuit, led by the venerable Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson III, be sayin' that the ban on certain firearms be fit snugly within the tradition of our great nation’s rules! But some discontented souls from Baltimore County be settin' sail against it, claimin' their right to bear arms be under siege. Alan Gottlieb, a captain of the SAF ship, be stirrin' the pot, sayin' such rulings be turnin' the landmark "Heller" decision on its head!

With a hearty shout, FPC President Brandon Combs be raisin' his flag high, claimin' the AR-15s be as common as a pirate’s parrot, and there ain't no good reason to ban 'em! The good judges be weighin' the dangers of these weapons, but some say the Second Amendment be a right, not a mere whimsy of the court! Will the Supreme Court hoist the sails and steer towards justice? Only time will tell, me hearties!

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