The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Hezbollah scallywags met their doom as Israel’s cannonballs flew, while they blasted off a hundred fireworks!


Arrr matey! In a ruckus o' cannon fire, seven scallywags from Hezbollah met Davy Jones after the Israel Defense Force unleashed a barrage! A hundred fiery projectiles flew toward the Jewish land, but the pirates of Israel sent 'em packin’ to the briny deep! Avast, what a kerfuffle!

Arrr matey! Gather 'round fer a tale of high seas and higher stakes! On a day not so fine, the Israel Defense Forces, those salty sea dogs, sent at least seven Hezbollah scallywags to Davy Jones' locker! Aye, whilst them rascals fired a hundred cannonballs—nay, rockets—into northern Israel, a mighty response was awaited!

Word from the crew be that two of the miscreants were part of a Rocket and Missile Unit, the sort that makes ye shiver in yer boots! One Muhammad Mahmoud Negm, a so-called “significant” pirate, met his end courtesy of the Israeli Air Force in Aaita El Zot, and another, Saeed Mahmoud Daeb, found himself blown to smithereens near Tyre. Talk about an explosive farewell!

Four more dirty buccaneers met a similar fate in separate strikes, their devilish plans foiled as they plotted from Tayr Harfa. Thankfully, there be no injuries to the fine folk of Israel, though Upper Galilee took quite the barrage, receiving a hearty volley of about 40 projectiles.

As the world holds its breath for a cease-fire agreement between Hamas and Israel, one thing’s fer sure: the seas be dangerous, and those who sail ‘em had best watch their backs! Aye, the tale be far from over!

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