The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Juan Ciscomani spins a tale of sea-legged swabs while givin' the cold shoulder to landlubber scallywags!"


Arrr, matey! Juan Ciscomani be chasin' a second go at the helm, braggin' 'bout his swashbucklin' immigrant tale. But beware, his misadventures in Congress might send his Arizona crew sailin' for calmer waters, far from his ship!

"Arrr! Juan Ciscomani spins a tale of sea-legged swabs while givin' the cold shoulder to landlubber scallywags!"

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of Representative Juan Ciscomani, a swashbucklin' lad from the shores of Arizona, seekin' his second term in this grand political sea! Aye, he be flauntin’ his immigrant tale like a fine treasure map, hopin’ to win the hearts of the good folk livin’ near the borders of Mexico, where the sands be hot and the tacos be plenty!

But hold yer horses! There be a storm brewin’ on the horizon! Ye see, while Juan be claimin’ the immigrant flag, his record in Congress be raisin’ eyebrows and makin’ some voters scratch their heads like a parrot on a pirate's shoulder. 'Tis said that his decisions might make some scallywags ready to mutiny against him come election day!

So, here he stands, a fine lad with a tale as rich as a chest o’ doubloons, but can he navigate the choppy waters of discontent among his crew? Will they see him as a worthy captain or toss him overboard? Only the winds of fortune know! Arrr, let the election shenanigans begin, and may the best pirate win!

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