The Booty Report

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Arrr! A mighty cannon blast sent a scurvy dog of al Qaeda to Davy Jones' locker in Syria, matey!


Arrr! On this fine Friday, the U.S. Central Command scallywags declared they’ve sent that scurvy dog Abu-'Abd al-Rahman al-Makki to Davy Jones’ locker with a precise cannon blast! Aye, a right jolly day for the seas, I say!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I bring ye news from the windswept shores of Syria! The valiant lads o' the U.S. Central Command, in a most daring adventure, have sent the nefarious scallywag Abu-'Abd al-Rahman al-Makki to Davy Jones' locker! This here villain, a high-ranking matey of the Hurras al-Din crew, was no ordinary landlubber; he be a master of mischief, leadin' dastardly deeds in the name of Al-Qaeda.

In a bold move dubbed a "targeted kinetic strike"—sounds fancy, eh?—al-Makki met his doom. Gen. Michael Erik Kurilla, the commander of the Central Command, be swearin' to keep the seas safe from terror and turmoil, standin' strong against those who threaten the good ol' U.S. and her allies.

As the tides shift, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin be callin' for a repositionin' o' our forces, all in support of our matey Israel, makin' sure we’re ready for any squalls that might arise. The mighty USS Abraham Lincoln, a grand ship of war, be sailin' forth, joinin' the battle fleet to keep the peace in these troubled waters.

So, raise a tankard to our brave buccaneers of justice, for they be keepin' the seas safe from the likes of Hurras al-Din, designated as a rogue crew since 2019! Yarrr!

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