The Booty Report

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"Ahoy! Venice Film Fest be raisin’ Marina Cicogna’s grand booty of glitz an’ glory, savvy?"


Arrr, Cicogna be the queen of the Venice Film Festival, a lass who sailed the seas of cinema for ages! She charted the course for lasses in the film trade and could throw a hullabaloo that'd make Davy Jones raise a tankard! Aye, she be a true legend!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, fer I’ve a tale to spin 'bout a lass named Cicogna, who now sails the great beyond as of last November. This fine wench was the glitterin’ star of the Venice Film Festival, holdin’ court fer decades as the grand dame of the silver screen, she was! A pioneer, she be, makin’ waves fer the lasses in the Italian film industry, like a ship breaching the briny deep!

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