The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! Snagged meself a shiny suit o’ 14th-century steel from Norway—perfect fer defendin’ against scallywags and bad weather!


Arrr, matey! From the depths o' Oslo's belly, treasure hath emerged! A rare iron glove, fit fer a scallywag, was plundered from beneath the waves by them land-lovin’ archaeologists. Bet it belonged to some swashbucklin' rogue tryin' to pinch a pint without losin' a hand!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round the ol' sea tales, fer I’ve news from the land of the fjords! Since the merry year of 2019, the brave souls at the Norwegian Institute fer Cultural Heritage Research, known as NIKU, have been diggin' in Bispevika, Oslo, and what treasures they be findin'!

Among the ancient booty, a rare iron gauntlet from the Middle Ages has emerged—aye, a true gem of a find! This be no common trinket, as it be protectin' the warrior's hand and wrist in fierce battles of yore. Me hearties, the city o’ Oslo was founded by none other than King Harald Hardraade, and after a fiery calamity in 1624, the city was rebuilt, bein' renamed Christiania, then back to Oslo in 1925.

Now, this gauntlet be a mystery wrapped in a riddle, as archaeologist Håvard Hegdal swears it’d never be losin’ such a fine piece in the heat o' combat! Perhaps it slipped from a noble’s grasp or was tossed to Davy Jones himself! Alas, many records were turned to ash in Copenhagen, makin' the tale hard to untangle. So raise a tankard, fer many more treasures await beneath the soil of this fair city, from swords to axes! Yarrr!

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