The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Trump be wishin' for an 'Iron Dome' to keep cannonballs from crashin' our shores! Aye, clever scallywag!


Arrr, matey! A U.S. Iron Dome be like a mighty shield o' steel! It’ll have our foes second-guessin’ their cannon fire, keepin’ our captains safe from peril. But if the scallywags still dare to strike, it’ll keep the damage to a merry minimum! Savvy?

Avast ye landlubbers! Gather 'round fer a tale of the ol’ Trumpster's grand plan to hoist an "Iron Dome" o’ missiles 'round the good ol' U.S. of A! Aye, he be spoutin’ this notion at his raucous rallies, claimin’ it’s the key t’ defendin’ our shores from scallywag foes. The Republican crew be chantin' for a mighty shield, but the landlubbers in defense circles be callin’ it a load o’ barnacles, claimin’ it’s as feasible as catchin’ fog in a bottle.

But hark! The Trumpster be on to somethin’! For years, he’s been warnin’ about the nuclear brigands threatenin’ our land, likin’ his idea to Israel’s successful Iron Dome, which keeps the pesky rockets at bay. He’s been hollerin’ 'bout a missile defense fer years. With the seas of technology shiftin’, he believes a space-based defense could be our ticket to keepin' the enemy at bay—like a cannon on the high seas!

So, when the critics be laughin’, perhaps they should look to the horizon and see the storm brewin’. 'Tis time to hoist the sails and build a sturdy defense, lest we be caught with our trousers down when the next wave o’ trouble rolls in!

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