The Booty Report

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Arrr! Romanian scallywags be draggin’ Tate’s ships fer new tales of human booty smuggling! Blimey, what a ruckus!


Arrr, just days after that scallywag Andrew Tate found hisself under the watchful eye of house arrest fer his dubious dealings, them Romanian landlubbers be haul’n away his fancy ships on wheels! Aye, looks like his treasure hunt just got a wee bit more difficult!

Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about the notorious Andrew Tate and his scallywag brother, Tristan! These two former kickboxers, with more swagger than sense, found themselves in a pickle, aye! Just the other day, Romanian lads in blue towed away their fleet of fancy chariots, includin' a Ferrari and a Lamborghini, faster than a cannonball flyin' from a ship!

Why, ye ask? Well, these buccaneers be in hot water over claims of human trafficking, with a side of sexual mischief that would make a sea serpent shudder! Their lawyer, Georgiana Popa, swears the cars aren’t even theirs – what a tale! These brothers, who think themselves kings of the high seas of social media, await their fate in a moldy old house, under watchful eyes, while their gold and glitter be seized like treasure from a sunken ship.

But fret not, for they be claimin’ innocence, shoutin' louder than a ship's horn in a fog! With rumors of a grand conspiracy to silence 'em, these two rascals be poised to fight back! So, keep yer spyglass handy, mates, fer this be a saga twistin' and turnin' like a ship in a stormy sea!

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