The Booty Report

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Arrr! French scallywags be seekin' a firebug who set ablaze a church, givin' a copper a right good clout!


Arrr, a band o' 200 French landlubbers be huntin' a scallywag who tried to torch a holy place in La Grande-Motte! This blaggard set ablaze two fine carriages and several doors, thinkin' he be a fiery captain of mischief! Avast, what a daft matey!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round, fer I be tellin' ye a tale of ruckus and fire in the fair city of La Grande-Motte, France! On a fine Saturday, a band o' 200 lawmen scoured the land fer a scallywag who dared to set ablaze a synagogue, provokin' the ire of Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, who swore to be merciless against the scoundrels of antisemitism.

In the midst o' the chaos, a brave officer took a wee injury when a gas bottle went kaboom! The fiend had the audacity to torch several doors and a couple o' fine vessels in the parking lot, narrowly escapin' the wrath of the firefighters and constables who arrived just in time, or else it would’ve been a tragedy of grand proportions!

The mighty President Macron dubbed this nefarious act a terrorist offense, and the anti-terror squad took the reins o' the investigation. With the winds of antisemitism blowin’ fierce across Europe, protectin' synagogues and Jewish establishments be the order o' the day.

As the tale unfolds, it be revealed that the villain was seen sportin' a Palestinian flag, confirm'in the dastardly nature of this assault. Yonathan Arfi from the CRIF didn't mince words; it was a right attempt on the lives of good folks. In the face of such villainy, the French will stand tall and not be cowed! Yarrr!

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