The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Court be grantin' a lass of many sails victory over a lady’s-only treasure map! Hoist the colors!"


Arrr, matey! In the land down under, a brave lass o' the sea be celebratin'! The federal courts, like a fair wind, ruled in her favor after the all-female crew tossed her overboard for not bein' born a scallywag! A true victory for the swashbucklin' heart!

Arrr mateys! Gather ‘round as I spin ye a yarn from down under, where a judge be makin’ waves in the sea of justice! A fair lass named Roxanne Tickle took a stand against the owners of a female-only app named Giggle for Girls, claimin’ she was tossed overboard like a scallywag fer bein' born a lad. Aye, the founder, Sally Grover, be thinkin’ Tickle’s visage be of the male persuasion. In a mighty ruling, the Federal Court, as grand as a ship of the line, decreed that the app must cough up 10,000 Australian doubloons—equivalent to 6,700 U.S. pieces of eight! Judge Robert Bromwich, the captain of this trial, said Tickle’s claim of direct discrimination floundered, but her indirect claim sailed through the stormy seas. No written apology be ordered, but this be the first ruling on gender since the laws were adjusted in 2013! Professor Paula Gerber exclaimed it be a fair wind for trans ladies in Oz! The judge declared the app had anchored itself on the rocky shores of outdated beliefs about gender. Tickle, havin’ faced cruel tempests online, deemed this ruling a “healin’” balm for her spirit. So, raise yer tankards to justice, for here be a tale of triumph on the high seas of equality!

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