The Booty Report

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Avast! The wee ones' garb be vital, savvy? Science and faith be spillin' the beans on this matter, arrr!


Aye, me hearties! If we be wantin' our wee scallywags to flourish in the schoolin’ seas, we best be takin’ heed of their peculiar treasures and troubles! So, let’s garb 'em right, lest they be caught sailin’ in a tempest o’ mismatched breeches! Arrr!

Ahoy mateys! In the briny depths of El Paso, Texas, a mighty tempest brewed over a school’s decree to ban all-black garb, claimin’ it be a harbinger of despair and mischief! The scallywags at Charles Middle School thought they be protectin’ the wee ones, but swiftly found the winds turned when wise folk like Krista Wongate shouted, "Depression be not wearin’ colors!"

And lo! Community matey Alex Lucero chimed in, declarein’, "The hue of yer rags don’t dictate yer feelings!" With a hearty roar from the townsfolk, the school’s foolish ban was tossed overboard, and the dress code be lifted like a pirate's flag!

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