The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Doctor Fauci be battlin' the pesky West Nile beast, but fear not, he’ll soon sail the seas again!"


Arrr, me hearties! The ol’ captain o’ the National Institute o’ Allergy and Infectious Diseases took a tumble and found himself in Davy Jones’ sickbay! But fear not, for the wench be sayin’ he’ll be back to plunderin’ health soon enough! Avast, what a merry tale!

Ahoy there, me hearties! Gather 'round, for I bring tidings from the land lubbers. The former captain o' the National Institute o' Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a fine matey known for battlin' all manner o' pesky ailments, found himself in the clutches of a wicked illness!

But fear not, ye scallywags! A trusty spokeswoman, like a beacon o' hope in a stormy sea, declared that our brave captain be holed up in a hospital but on the mend, expectin' to rise from his sickbed like a phoenix from the ashes. Aye, he be makin' a full recovery, as sure as the tides come in!

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