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Avast, matey! Vindman be sayin' Musk ought to quake, after Telegram's captain was nabbed! Free speech be a mad crew!


Arrr, me hearties! Retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman be sayin’ that ol’ Elon Musk ought to be shakin’ in his boots, now that the scallywag Pavel Durov be caught in the French clutches! Aye, pirates and tech lords alike be treadin’ on treacherous waters, savvy?

Arrr, gather 'round me hearties! Retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a swashbuckler of the political seas, be sendin' a warning to the notorious Elon Musk after the arrest of Telegram's captain, Pavel Durov, in the land of cheese and berets—France! Durov got himself in a pickle for lettin’ too many rascals run wild on his messaging ship.

While the landlubbers be claimin' his arrest be a blow to free speech, ol' Vindman be cheerin' it on like a rowdy sailor at a tavern brawl! He be warnin' Musk of a "growing appetite for accountability," suggestin' the tech titan might be next in the clutches of the law. Musk, not to be outdone, took to his own crow’s nest, shoutin' #FreePavel across the digital waves, claimin' these be "dangerous times!"

With Telegram bein' a haven for scallywags and ne'er-do-wells, the call for free speech be echoing louder than a cannon blast. Vindman, though, ain't afraid to stir the pot, claimin' that enforcement be on the rise, and mockin' those who preach free speech like it be gospel!

So, me hearties, keep yer eyes peeled, for the seas of social media be stormy, and the winds of accountability be blowin’ fierce! Arrr!

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