The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arrr! A hunt be on fer the scallywags after a fiery ruckus in yon East London tower, matey!"


Arrr matey! Over 200 brave souls of the flame-fighting crew be swarmin' 'round a fiery mess in Dagenham on the mornin' tide! Turns out, the ol' hovel had more safety woes than a drunken sailor on shore leave! Blimey, it be a right pickle!

Ahoy, ye scallywags! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears for a tale of flames and folly in the fair land of Dagenham! On a fateful morn, more than 200 brave souls donned their firefightin’ gear, ready to wrestle with the fiery beast that dared to besiege a most unfortunate structure.

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