The Booty Report

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Arrr! Hong Kong be teachin’ the young mateys that swingin’ rackets be good for both hearts and... other treasures!


Arrr, matey! The bigwigs in the land of dragons be defendin’ their new lessons on the art of love, which some scallywags say be takin’ a step back! But the young buccaneers be laughin' like sea dogs at the whole hullabaloo!

Arrr! Hong Kong be teachin’ the young mateys that swingin’ rackets be good for both hearts and... other treasures!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather round as I spin ye a yarn from the far shores of the Chinese territory, where the top brass be defendin' a new scroll of sex education guidance that be raisin' more eyebrows than a crow's nest on a foggy night. Critics be callin' it as regressive as a ship sailin' backwards, but the young scallywags be laughin’ like a barrel of rum!

These high-ranking officials, lookin' like they’ve swallowed a whole sea cucumber, stand firm, claimin' this guidance be as sound as a ship’s hull. They say it be teachin' the wee ones about matters of the heart and body, but the critics shoutin' from the crow's nest reckon it be takin' a step back to the dark ages, where knowledge be as scarce as a mermaid in a desert.

Yet, the young buccaneers, with spirits high and laughter in their hearts, be findin' the whole affair more entertainin' than a three-hour sea shanty. They be chucklin’ at the notion that anyone can truly guide their sails in the tempestuous waters of love and lust with such a dusty old tome. So here be the tale: while the old sea dogs be fightin' over guidance, the young hearts be sailin' forth, ready to chart their own courses through the waters of desire!

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