The Booty Report

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Arrr, Trump be takin' a jab at Harris fer her shameful sailin' away from the Afghan seas!


Arrr! With a heart as bold as a cannon’s roar, Captain Trump be struttin’ to Arlington, payin’ respects to brave souls lost in the Kabul fray, then chinwaggin’ with the National Guard scallywags! Aye, a true buccaneer of votes, he be! Fancy that, me hearty!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout that scallywag Donald Trump, who be makin' his way to the hallowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery. Aye, he be payin' respects on the grim anniversary of a mighty deadly bombing in Kabul, where brave souls met their maker. With an eye towards the military vote, he be raisin' a tankard to them valiant warriors, hopin' to win their hearts and minds, savvy?

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