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Arrr, Mariah be sayin’ her mum and sis shuffled off to Davy Jones on the same day! Privacy, ye scallywags!


Arrr, mateys! Mariah Carey be spillin’ the sad news that her dear mum, Patricia, and sister, Alison, have set sail to Davy Jones’ locker on the same day! She be askin’ for a wee bit o’ privacy whilst she grapples with this stormy sea of sorrow!

Arrr, me hearties! A tale of woe has set sail from the realm of Mariah Carey, where both her mother and sister have met Davy Jones on the same fateful day! Aye, the songbird herself confirmed the grim tidings, sayin’, “Me heart be shattered; I’ve lost me mother this past weekend, and alas, me sister followed her into the depths!”

In a swirl o’ emotions, she shared her gratitude for the moments spent with her mum before the cruel hand of fate struck. "I feel blessed," she declared, whilst implorin’ the good folk for respect o’ her privacy in these tempestuous times. Aye, relationships can be as fraught as a pirate’s battle with scallywags, and Mariah’s kinship with her mother and sister was no smooth sailin’—infamy and discord were their companions.

In previous squabbles, her sister Alison accused their mother of dark deeds, claimin’ she was led into a world of satanic horrors. Mariah, in her memoir, painted their bond as a “prickly rope” of emotions, tangled in pride and pain. She dedicated her book to Patricia, sayin’ she did her best, despite the storms they weathered. Aye, it’s a tangled tale of love, loss, and the high seas of family—where every heart may find its own treasure or peril!

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