The Booty Report

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"Ye landlubber lass caught in tiger's den! Almost became kitty's lunch, savvy? Aye, what a foolhardy caper!"


Arrr, a landlubber from New Jersey be in hot water, sneakin' into a tiger's lair at a southern zoo! Nearly lost a limb to the beastie, say the scallywags in blue! Aye, 'tis a fine way to score a ticket to the afterlife, ye daft wench!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a tale from the fair state of New Jersey, where a scallywag named Zyair J. Dennis, aged but 24 summers, found herself in a spot o' bother at the Cohanzick Zoo. Aye, she be charged with defiant trespassin' after clamberin' over a wooden barrier to tempt a ferocious tiger, like a landlubber tryin' to pet a kraken!

On the day in question, this bold wench was caught on the spyglass of the onlookers, reachin’ towards the beast, only to have her hand nearly claimed by its mighty jaws. With a yelp and a quickness that'd make a cannonball blush, she scrambled back over the fence, leavin’ the tiger pacing and ponderin' the absurdity of her antics. Aye, there be a sign readin', "Do not climb," but it seems our dear Zyair took it as more of a guideline than a rule.

But that be not the end of her mischief! Nay, she also dared to enter the bear's abode that very same day, no doubt thinkin’ herself a true adventurer! The Bridgeton constables, after catchin’ wind of her escapades through the magical seas of social media, set forth to identify this bold lass. She be scheduled to face the court, and one can only hope she leaves the wild beasts to their lairs henceforth! Arrr!

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