The Booty Report

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"Young lad, just a pup, uncovers treasure of yore whilst strollin' his hound in merry England: 'Quite the rare booty!'"


Arrr, whilst a wee lad from West Sussex be strollin' his trusty hound, he stumbled upon treasure, a shiny gold bracelet fit for a Roman! Shiver me timbers, the lad be richer than a scallywag with a chest full o’ doubloons! Anchors aweigh, me hearties!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of a wee lad named Rowan Brannon, a sprightly 12-year-old from Bognor Regis, who, whilst leadin' his trusty hound around Pagham, stumbled upon a gleamin' treasure—a gold bracelet, no less! Aye, this shiny bauble was plundered from the depths of time, all unbeknownst to the young scallywag and his mum.

In the year of our Lord 2022, they took this marvelous cuff to the local finds liaison officer, hopin’ to unravel the tale it held. After a thorough look-see, it be revealed as a relic from the Roman days, likely sported by a valiant lad rewarded for his daring deeds in the first century A.D.! A treasure indeed, as such golden trinkets be rare in Roman Britain!

The cuff now rests in The Novium Museum, gracin' the halls of Chichester, where it shall regale visitors with tales of yore, military bravery, and Roman shenanigans. Me hearties, the moral of this tale? Keep yer peepers peeled when wanderin' the land, for ye never know when ye might unearth a piece of ancient glory! Set yer sails for the museum on September 10, 2024, to witness this fine find! Arrr!

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