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Arrr, 'tis been three long years since the Abbey Gate went boom, and now Biden feels the folly o' his blunder!


Arrr, matey! Them landlubbers be claimin’ Biden’s retreat from the Afghan shores be causin’ a storm! The Taliban's back, and now Russia an’ Iran be stirrin’ the pot, makin’ trouble three years after them scallywags at ISIS wreaked havoc at Abbey Gate! A right pickle, I tell ye!

Ahoy, me hearties! On this fine Monday, the good folk of America be mournin’ the third anniversary o’ the dreadful ISIS-K explosion at Abbey Gate o’ the Hamid Karzai International Airport, which sent 13 brave soldiers to Davy Jones’ locker along with 170 Afghans. The U.S. be pullin’ out of Afghanistan like a scallywag runnin’ from a kraken, and many be hootin’ and hollerin’ at the Biden crew fer their chaotic departure.

Retired General Jack Keane be callin’ it the biggest blunder in foreign policy, as if Biden were steerin’ his ship blindfolded through a storm o’ cannon fire! He claims the decision to leave U.S. troops behind opened the floodgates fer the likes o’ Russia and Iran to march forth like a pack o’ ravenous sea dogs.

With the Taliban takin’ over, many be pointin’ fingers, layin’ blame on a grand failure of American intel. Biden, bless his soul, tried to defend the decision, sayin’ it was time to end this long war, but it be lookin’ like a right mess, I tell ye! He paid tribute to those lost souls but faced the ire of many who reckon this be a shipwreck of a strategy. As the tides shift, let’s raise a tankard to the fallen, but also keep our eyes peeled for the next storm on the horizon!

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