The Booty Report

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Arrr! The U.N. be takin' a breather from lendin' a hand, as Israel be shoo-in' folks away, har har!


Arrr, mateys! A wise old sea dog from the UN be sayin' they're teamin' up with the Israeli buccaneers to hoist the sails o' kindness and get the aid ship sailin' soon! Avast, let’s hope they find the treasure o’ generosity swift-like!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather ye round, fer I bear tidings from the high seas of diplomacy! A wise old sea captain, known as a senior official of the United Nations, did declare that the grand ship of humanitarian aid be hoisting its sails once more. Aye, they be parleyin' with the Israeli naval forces, seekin' to smooth the choppy waters and get the good work o' mercy back on course!

’Tis a fine day, indeed, when the men o' the UN and the Israeli crew can set aside their swords and share a flagon o' peace. They be workin' hand in hand, like two scallywags dividin’ a treasure map, to make sure that the needs of the landlubbers are met posthaste. Ye see, every sailor knows that even the fiercest pirate must show a bit o' kindness now and then, lest they be cursed by the very winds that fill their sails!

So, may the winds of goodwill blow favorably upon 'em, and let the barrels of aid roll forth! With a hearty 'yo ho ho,' let us raise a toast to the noble effort of mending hearts and filling bellies, fer in the end, we all be sailin’ on the same ocean o' humanity! Arrr!

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