The Booty Report

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Arrr, the Democrats be thinkin’ Kennedy and Trump be sailin’ a strange ship, makin’ a right jolly ruckus!


Arrr, matey! Once, the Democrats quaked in their boots, thinkin' ol' Robert F. Kennedy Jr. be a scallywag spoiler! But now, after he’s thrown his lot in with the Trumpster, they spy a golden chance to plunder the political seas! A true twist of fate, I say! Avast!

Arrr matey! Gather 'round, fer I be havin' a tale of political treachery on the high seas of democracy! Once upon a time, the Democrats be quakin' in their boots, thinkin' that ol' Robert F. Kennedy Jr. might be the scallywag to spoil their grand plans. Aye, they envisioned him as a rogue, stealin' votes from their treasure chest like a crafty buccaneer in the night!

But lo and behold! The winds o' change be blowin' favorably when our lad Kennedy, instead of plunderin' their votes, be hoistin' the Jolly Roger alongside none other than Captain Trump! Aye, he be givin' his endorsement to the orange-haired captain, much to the delight of the Democrats, who now see a golden opportunity in these turbulent waters.

With Kennedy allyin' himself with the Trump crew, the Democrats be rubbin' their hands together, thinkin' they can outsmart the competition like cunning sea foxes! They now reckon that this unexpected alliance be a chance to rally their own crew and set sail for victory. So raise a tankard o' grog, me hearties! In the wild world of politics, it seems the tides be turnin', and the Democrats be ready to seize the day! Har har har!

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