The Booty Report

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Arrr! Judge be stoppin’ Biden’s booty for landlubber spouses, makin’ ‘em wait like scallywags at a treasure map!


Arrr! A magistrate o' the high seas be favorin' 16 states flyin' the Republican flag, puttin' the cap'n’s program in Davy Jones' locker while the court be ponderin' the treasure map o' justice! A merry squall brews on the horizon, mates!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of courtrooms and legal wranglings! In a grand tale of yer land lubbers, a federal judge be hoisting the sails o' justice, ruling in favor of a band o’ 16 Republican-led states. Aye, they be takin' the helm to sue the scallywags in the administration, raisin’ a ruckus like a crew o' drunken sailors!

This crafty judge, with a quill in hand, decided to put the whole program on hold, like a ship caught in a wicked squall, while the court be ponderin’ the merits of this mighty case. By thunder! What a hullabaloo! The judge be sittin' there, scratchin' his wig, ponderin' like a pirate searchin' for buried treasure. The fate o' the program now hangs in the balance like a treasure chest tossed overboard.

So, keep yer spyglasses trained on this legal high seas adventure, me mateys! For in the world of swashbucklin’ and subpoenas, ye never know when a storm o’ judgment might brew! Whether the ruling brings fair winds or a tempest, ye can be sure this tale be far from over. Arrr! The court be in session, and the pirates of politics be ready to duel!

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