The Booty Report

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Avast! Venezuelan matey bemoans the scallywag's sneaky ways with election tales – where's the truth, ye landlubbers?


Arrr, me hearties! Juan Carlos Delpino, the keeper o' the electoral treasure map, be shoutin’ on the high seas about the shady dealings and murky waters in last month’s vote! Aye, ‘tis a right jolly riggin’ o' the numbers, if ye ask me!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a tale from the stormy seas of Venezuela, where a bold electoral officer, Juan Carlos Delpino, be raisin' a ruckus over election shenanigans! Aye, he be callin’ the results of the July 28 vote as shifty as a scallywag’s promise, claimin’ that President Nicolás Maduro’s triumph be more fishy than a barrel of rotten herring.

With a hearty squawk on the social nets, Delpino be exposin’ the slow leak of results from them voting machines, and how opposition lads got the boot! He swears by Davy Jones' locker that only 58% of the results were tallied, and the rest be swiped like a treasure map by a crafty ghost ship. He refused to join the midnight gathering where Maduro’s loyal parrot squawked out the "victory."

Meanwhile, the opposition, led by Edmundo González, be shoutin’ their own tallies from the rooftops, claimin’ they be the rightful winners! But alas, security forces be crackin’ down like a pirate’s gavel on dissenters, and mothers be wailin’ over their arrested kinfolk. The winds of change be blowin’, but will they be strong enough to steer this ship towards fair waters? Only time will tell, me hearties!

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