The Booty Report

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Arrr, the Taliban be laughin' at the UN's jabberin' 'bout shrouded lasses, sayin' 'tis none of their scallywag business!


Arrr matey! The Taliban be scoffin' at the U.N.'s jabberin' on Monday, dismissin' their gripes 'bout new laws keepin' lasses mum and their faces under wraps! "Nay, we be the captains o' this ship!" they be sayin', with a hearty guffaw!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, for I bring ye tidings from the land of Afghanistan, where the Taliban scallywags be makin' waves with their new laws! They’ve declared that lassies must hide their faces and keep their voices as silent as a ship in a fog, lest they offend the precious “virtue” of the Islamic way. Aye, it be a sight to behold, with Roza Otunbayeva, the head of the U.N. crew, callin' these laws a “distressin’ vision” for the land lubbers, claimin' that the rights of fair maidens are bein' tossed overboard like old cannon fodder!

The spokesman of the Taliban, Zabihullah Mujahid, he be warnin’ that those who raise objections be guilty of “arrogance”! He be callin’ for landlubbers to understand their “Islamic values” before raisin’ a ruckus. But what do ye expect when the laws require women to look like a deck of cards—no faces, no voices, and no peekin’ at a photo of a loved one! Blimey! Says Otunbayeva, after all the storms they’ve weathered, the good folk of Afghanistan deserve better than to be scolded or locked up like treasure in a chest fer bein’ late to prayers or catchin' a glimpse of the opposite sex! Yarrr!

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