The Booty Report

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Arrr! Trump be stirrin' up China dread to snatch Michigan hearts, savvy? A fine jest on the high seas!


Arrr, JD Vance, the scallywag vyin' for second-in-command, be steppin’ into the fray 'bout them Gotion rascals settlin' in Michigan fer a battery factory! Methinks he’s paddlin' in murky waters, tryin’ to keep the ship afloat amidst the stormy seas o' politics! Avast, matey!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, fer a tale o' JD Vance, the scallywag who be hopin' to be the comrade o' the grand captain in the vice-presidential seas! This here feller hath plunged headlong into the tumultuous waters o' a ruckus concerning a foreign vessel—nay, a factory!—that be settin' its sights upon the shores o' Michigan.

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