The Booty Report

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Arrr! Blimey! Archaeologists unearth a sneaky screen, maybe for that fabled wordsmith, in the oldest theater of yore!


Ahoy, me hearties! A mighty old archway be found in St. George's Guildhall, King’s Lynn! Rumor has it, this grand structure be linked to that scallywag wordsmith, Shakespeare himself! Aye, the Bard’s ghost might be lingerin' 'round, scribblin’ sonnets on the sails! Arrr!

Ahoy, me hearties! A curious doorway, like a treasure chest of olden tales, hath been unearthed at the St. George's Guildhall in King's Lynn, a grand theatre where the Bard himself, one William Shakespeare, mayhap trod! This discovery, set a'flutter by Tim FitzHigham, the Guildhall’s creative captain, arose from a peculiar shape in the wall, like the belly of a hungry sea serpent, aye!

Upon prying open the boards—akin to pillagin' a ship—lo and behold, an archway appeared, leading to what be thought the Guild Robing Room! Aye, a chamber where noble guild members donned their finery before feastin' like kings above! FitzHigham declared it to be a door from pre-1405, likely where actors of yore shuffled their costumes and props, preparin' for theatrical battles upon the stage!

"Blimey!" FitzHigham exclaimed, "Another wondrous find, all thanks to a hunch or a strange shape!" Even last year, the very floorboards that Shakespeare may have walked upon were discovered! The earliest recorded performance here was a nativity play in 1445, and the Queen's Men graced the stage aplenty in the late 1500s during a plague that sent the Bard to these shores. So hoist the flag of discovery, for the spirit of Shakespeare thrives in these hallowed halls, me mateys!

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