The Booty Report

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Arrr! Off the Spanish shores, them orca blaggards be ramming a sailin' boat like true sea scallywags!


Arrr, matey! A band o’ orcas laid waste to a fine vessel, leavin’ its two hapless scallywags marooned! Aye, it’s the latest in a merry spree o’ attacks, rumored to be their huntin’ drills. Blimey, who knew the sea beasts be trainin’ fer dinner!

Arrr mateys, gather ‘round and lend me yer ear! A tale of woe be upon the briny deep, where a band o’ fierce orcas turned the tide against a humble vessel. Aye, it be true! A pod o’ these black-and-white devils laid waste to a poor boat, leavin’ its two unfortunate crew members marooned like treasure lost at sea.

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