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Arrr! Starmer be seekin’ to steer us ‘round the Brexit stormy seas! What treasure lies at the corner, matey?


Arrr, on a jaunt to the land of sauerkraut, Prime Minister Keir Starmer be swappin' sweet nothings with Chancellor Olaf Scholz. But mark me words, matey, a true reset with the European Union be needin' more than just flowery talk—actions speak louder than a cannon's roar!

Arrr matey! Gather round, fer I be tellin’ ye a tale of a high seas journey to the land o’ sauerkraut and steins o’ beer! Our noble captain, Prime Minister Keir Starmer, set sail to Germany, where he found himself in the company of Chancellor Olaf Scholz, a fine fellow with a beard that could rival the fiercest of buccaneers!

In a grand display of camaraderie, they shared warm words like two ships passin’ in the night, o’ course! But let me tell ye, smooth talkin’ be but a gust of wind in a stormy sea. A true course correction with the European Union, that ol’ leviathan of diplomacy, requires more than just sweet nothings whispered over tankards o’ ale!

Starmer be knowin’ this well, fer it be actions, not just words, that steer the ship true! So, whilst they clinked their glasses and laughed like jolly sailors, the real treasure lies in the deeds that follow. If he be wishin’ to reset the sails with the EU, he must hoist the colors and back it up with some hearty action! Aye, 'tis a fine adventure ahead, full o' challenges and chances to plunder good relations!

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