The Booty Report

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Arrr! U.S. and Chinese sea dogs be chattin’ 'bout a parley 'twixt Captain Biden and Admiral Xi! Avast!


Arrr, in the great port o' Beijing, the two crews be squawkin' like scallywags! They be sayin' there's still a heap o' squabbles 'bout that pesky Taiwan, cursed tech exports, and trade tussles, matey! Aye, the seas be stormy with differences aplenty!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the distant shores of Beijing, where the fine gents and lasses of the East and West be squawkin’ like a coupla seagulls fightin’ over a fish! Aye, they be parleyin’ about the fine matters of Taiwan, them pesky technology export controls, and the trade disputes that be makin’ their heads spin like a ship in a tempest!

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