The Booty Report

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Arrr! Israel's new sea dog warns the UN: "Watch yer backs, or the scallywags o' Hezbollah and Iran will strike!"


Arrr, matey! Danny Danon, once the lofty captain of Israel's crew at the UN from 2015 to 2020, be settin' sail again in troubled waters! A fine time for a scallywag to take the helm, eh? Let’s hope he don’t steer us into the stormy seas!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I regale ye with news from the high seas of diplomacy! The fresh-faced Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, one Danny Danon, be lettin' the world know that tensions be risin' with them pesky Hezbollah scallywags and the looming threat of Iran gettin' its grubby paws on nuclear booty!

Now, Danon be shakin' a fist at the Security Council, remindin' 'em of their own Resolution 1701, which declared no military forces should be lurkin' in southern Lebanon 'cept the Lebanese crew. Yet, what do we see? Hezbollah has taken the wheel, turnin' the area into a den of rockets and ruckus! He says if the U.N. can’t keep the peace, they'll have to hoist the sails themselves and cast them away!

He calls upon the Western powers to band together and apply some pressure on the Iranians before they unleash their nuclear cannon! Danon argues that the U.N. be as useful as a ship with no sails, claimin’ they didn’t even muster a peep of condemnation after the October 7th kerfuffle. He be demandin' reforms and accountability, for the U.N. to be a force fer good, not a den of scallywags! Aye, the seas of diplomacy be stormy, and Danon aims to steer the ship right!

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