The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Trump be pointin' his hook at Biden fer them far-off squabbles. Let’s hoist the sails on their tales!"


Arrr, matey! Former Captain Trump be pointin’ his hook at Captain Biden, claimin' he be causin' all manner o' global storms. But lo! The truth be that presidents be sailin' a ship already caught in a tempest of history, not the ones settin’ the course! Har har har!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the ruckus between two captains of the ship called America! It be said that former President Trump, with a tongue sharper than a cutlass, be layin' blame upon President Biden for all the storms brewin' 'round the globe. Aye, the man be claimin’ that ol’ Biden be the scallywag causin’ chaos from the high seas to the shores of distant lands!

But hold yer horses, ye landlubbers! The truth be as slippery as a greased parrot! Ye see, when a new captain takes the helm, he be inheritin’ a vessel already tossed about by the whims of the ocean. Crises be like barnacles on a ship’s hull—stickin’ to it no matter who be captaining the ship! The world be a wild sea, and every president finds themselves with a treasure chest full of troubles left by their predecessors.

So, before ye be throwin’ accusations like cannonballs, remember that every captain sails through storms brewed by the tides of time. Blamin’ one man for the world's woes be like cursin’ the sea for bein’ salty! Let's raise a tankard and toast to the jolly crew that has to weather the gales, no matter who be at the wheel!

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