The Booty Report

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"Arrr, lad's clumsy hands be shatterin' a treasure older than the sea itself in a land o’ milk and honey!"


Arrr, a wee lad of the preschool crew be havin’ a jolly romp in a fancy museum, when lo! He sent a jar older than Davy Jones himself a-tumblin’ to its doom! A treasure from the Bronze Age, now but shards, all thanks to that scallywag!

Arrr mateys, gather 'round and lend an ear to a tale o' misfortune at a museum in the land of Israel! A wee lad, on a merry jaunt through the hallowed halls of history, did stumble upon a jar as ancient as the sea, a relic from the Bronze Age, ‘twas around 3,500 years old, can ye believe it? But lo and behold! With a curious pull, he sent the prized vessel crashing to the ground, shatterin' it to smithereens!

The fine folk at the Hecht Museum, led by the wise Lihi Laszlo, assured that this mishap be a case o' pure clumsiness, not mischief. Forsooth, they have seen worse! A previous ruckus involved some landlubber from America who laid waste to Roman statues, claimin’ it was against the Torah, aye. But fear not, our young scallywag shall not be walking the plank, as the museum hath promised to restore the jar, returning it to its rightful spot, sans any protective barriers.

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