The Booty Report

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Arrr, Pope Francis be sayin' lettin' migrants meet Davy Jones is a mighty grave sin, matey! Blimey!


Arrr, mateys! Pope Francis be blatherin' at his weekly gatherin', sayin' that landlubber governments best not let poor souls perish in the briny deep whilst seekin' a fair port in the West! Aye, give 'em a warm welcome, or ye be walkin' the plank o' compassion!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather ye round as I spin a yarn 'bout the good Pope Francis, a fella with a heart as grand as the seven seas. This week, he be callin' upon all ye landlubbers not to cast aside the poor souls seekin' refuge from the cruel waves and scorching sands. Aye, he declared it a "grave sin" to let good folk perish in those treacherous waters!

"Listen well, me brethren!" he bellowed from the grand St. Peter's Square. "These hapless migrants ought not be sufferin' in perilous seas!" He pointed a finger at those scallywags who recklessly push back these wayward travelers instead of offerin' a helping hand. "We can't just sit idly by, we gotta pray fer 'em!" he implored, reminding us that the Good Book warns against wrongin' a foreigner.

The Pope be layin' down the law, sayin’ that countries must balance their duties: welcome the weary souls out of charity, yet also keep their borders shipshape. He reminded us that God be with the migrants, feelin' their pain and hopin' fer better days. So, me hearties, let us hoist the sails of compassion and join the Pope in his quest to lend a hand to those in need!

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