The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! In some ports, havin’ a guardian means ye be too scallywag to cast yer vote!


Aye, matey! Over a million landlubbers, some with a bit o' a limp, be shackled under the watch o' court-approved guardians! And blimey, many a state be keepin' 'em from castin' their votes, as if they be too scallywag to choose their own treasure! Arrr!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I be tellin' ye a tale of a right most foul, where over a million landlubbers, some with ailments that be weighin' 'em down like a ship full o' cannonballs, find themselves under the watchful eye o' a court-approved guardian! Aye, these poor souls be treated like scallywags, unable to chart their own course in the stormy seas of democracy!

But, shiver me timbers! In many a state, these brave souls be blocked from castin' their votes, as if some landlocked barnacle be holdin' 'em captive! Aye, 'tis a travesty fit for a bilge rat! While the winds of freedom blow strong, these fine folk be left stranded on the shores of disenfranchisement, unable to raise their voices or mark their ballots. It be a right worthy of a good ol' pirate mutiny, I say!

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