The Booty Report

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"Fighting the Mpox beast where the storm's eye doth swirl, arr! A jolly good tussle, I say!"


Arrr! The New York Times be settin' sail to a far-off hospital in the Congo, where wee scallywags and old sea dogs be strugglin' with the pesky mpox! Avast! It’s been dubbed a global health kerfuffle, me hearties! A right ruckus, I say!

Avast, ye landlubbers! Gather 'round as I regale ye with the tale of a far-off place, a hospital in the heart of Congo, where the good folk be strugglin' with the dastardly affliction known as mpox! Aye, the scallywags at The New York Times set sail to this desolate land, where the brave souls be fightin' against a malady that’s caused quite the ruckus, recently declared a global health emergency, no less!

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