The Booty Report

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Arrr, the wealthy landlubbers be whisperin' to Harris, "Drop the gold tax, matey! We can't be affordin’ it!"


Arrr! Vice President Kamala be hoistin’ her treasure chest high, thanks to a mighty swell o’ gold coins comin’ from the techie folk in Silicon Valley and the coin-countin’ scallywags of Wall Street! Aye, it be a fine haul indeed, savvy?

Avast ye landlubbers! Hearken unto this tale of Vice President Kamala Harris, who be swimmin' in a sea of gold doubloons, thanks to the fine gents and lasses of Silicon Valley and Wall Street! Aye, the coffers be overflowing, and ‘tis a bountiful harvest she be reaping from the treasure maps drawn by clever tech wizards and crafty financiers.

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