The Booty Report

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Avast, me hearties! Namibia be slicin' 83 elephants for grub to feed the drought-stricken landlubbers! Arrr!


Arrr, matey! Namibia be settin’ sail to trim the beasties by 700, with over 80 mighty elephants among ‘em! They be handin’ out the meat like it’s treasure, all while southern Africa be parched as a landlubber’s throat! Avast, what a jolly feast in a droughty sea!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend an ear to the tale of Namibia, where the grand plan be to cull a mighty 723 wild beasts, includin' 83 hefty elephants! Aye, the land be strugglin' under the grip of a fierce drought, leavin' many a soul starvin’ like a scallywag on a deserted isle.

The clever folk of Namibia reckon that the critters be grazin’ too freely, causin’ havoc in parks and communal lands, with nary enough grub or water for the lot. So, they be settin' their sights on the beasties, lookin' to share the bounty with hungry bellies among the people. Aye, with nearly half of the population starin' at empty plates, this cull be a call to action!

They be targetin' not just elephants, but hippos, buffalo, and even zebra, oh me, what a sight that be! With over 56,800 kilograms of meat already harvested, it be a fine feast for the famished. The Namibian scallywags claim this be all in the name of usin' their natural resources wisely, makin' sure the booty goes to their own crew. But beware, for the drought be takin' its toll, and the land be fillin' with strife between man and beast!

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