The Booty Report

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Arrr matey, in the realm of South Indian flicks, the #MeToo tempest be blowin' fierce once more!


Arrr, matey! After keepin’ it under me hat since 2019, the treasure map’s been unfurled! It reveals a shipload of scandalous misdeeds and foul play in the realm of Malayalam cinema. Aye, ‘tis a right ruckus o’ misconduct and gender shenanigans! Avast, what a hullabaloo!

Avast ye scallywags o’ the cinematic seas! A report, as secret as a treasure map hidin' in Davy Jones's locker, hath finally been unfurled after bein' stashed since the year of our Lord 2019. Aye, it be spillin' the beans on the nefarious deeds of those who sail the Malayalam cinema waters, revealin’ a mighty stench of sexual misconduct and gender discrimination. Arrr, it be a right scandal, I tell ye!

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