The Booty Report

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Arrr, Donald Trump be wooing the Manoverse, like a scallywag charm’n the sea wenches with gold doubloons!


Arrr, a motley crew o' YouTubers, pranksters, and streamin' scallywags be settin' sail to boost Mr. Trump's chances with the lads! The 'bro vote' be sway’d by their jests and japes, turnin' the tides in favor of the ol' captain! Avast, me hearties!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather round as I regale ye with tales of a motley crew o' scallywags who be takin’ the seas of the digital realm. Aye, this band o’ YouTubers, pranksters, and streamin’ jesters be capturin' the hearts of the young lads, lettin’ loose a roarin' tide o’ support fer none other than Mr. Trump, the captain o' controversy! Arrr!

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