The Booty Report

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Arrr! Hear ye, mateys! What be the true tale that sparked ‘The Deliverance’? A jolly yarn awaits ye!


Arrr! A lass from Indiana be claimin' she 'n her three wee scallywags be haunted by ghostly shapes 'n legions o' pesky flies—possessed by demons, no less! Now, a jolly Netflix tale spins their yarn, makin' even Davy Jones chuckle!

Avast ye landlubbers! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears for a tale most peculiar from the fair shores of Indiana! A mother, brave as a lion and twice as daft, found herself and her three wee scallywags in a right pickle. 'Twas said they were besieged by shadowy specters and a veritable swarm of black flies, like a cursed ship in a storm! Aye, the poor lass claimed they were possessed by demons, as if they’d swallowed a whole bottle o’ rum and were possessed by the spirit of Davy Jones himself!

Now, ye may think this be the stuff o’ legends, but nay! Aye, for Netflix, that great treasure trove of flickering tales, has spun a yarn from this very misadventure! Picture it, if ye dare: a mother and her young crew battling against forces of the dark, with black flies buzzing like a thousand angry cannons! Methinks they’d best keep a bottle o’ bug spray handy, or perhaps a priest with a holy water cannon!

So here’s the deal, me hearties! If ye fancy a shanty about shadowy figures and swarms that’d make even the bravest pirate quiver, grab yer popcorn and set sail to watch this wild tale of hauntin’s and high jinks! Just remember: not every demon be from the depths of the sea—some be swarmin' at your doorstep!

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