The Booty Report

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Arrr! A scallywag from Syria be the culprit! The chancellor be swearing to tighten the ship's immigration sails!


Arrr, matey! The landlubbers in Germany be sayin’ a scallywag from Syria, just 26 seas old, be the miscreant behind a deadly knife duel that sent three to Davy Jones’ locker and left eight more in a right pickle! What a jolly mess, eh?

Avast, me hearties! Gather ye round as I spin ye a yarn from the land of Solingen, where a knave named Issa Al H., a scallywag of just 26 years, did unleash a devilish spree of stabbin' at a grand festival, claimin' three fine souls and wounding eight others! Aye, this Syrian scallywag be linked to the dastardly Islamic State, who cried out for vengeance against Christians, claimin' him as a "soldier." Tis a right mess, I tell ye!

Before he turned the festivities into a frightful debacle, Issa be livin' at a refuge in Solingen, seekin' asylum since late 2022. The local Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, be callin' for stricter immigration laws, blusterin’ about deporting those who don’t belong. The poor townsfolk were just tryin' to celebrate their city's 650-year anniversary when the foul deed struck at 9:35 p.m.!

With two aged gents and a lass cut down, the town be in a state of shock, mournin' their dead instead of celebratin’. The mayor be heartbroken, and the good folks laid candles and flowers in remembrance. Aye, Germany’s been known for peaceful sails, yet this here storm be a harsh reminder of the troubles brewin'. Let’s hope calm waters return soon, or we be seein’ more pirates on the prowl!

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