The Booty Report

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Arrr, Ukraine be searchin' for the reason an F-16 met its watery grave, savvy? Aye, what a fine mess!


"Avast, me hearties! Word from yon Western landlubber be that a bit o' friendly fire may have played a role, savvy? Aye, seems even the cannons be gettin' a bit too chummy with the crew!"

Avast ye, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the briny deep! Word o’ the high seas be tellin’ tales of a wee mishap amongst the scallywags of the West. Aye, a Western official, that savvy landlubber, he be spillin’ the beans that friendly fire mayhaps be the culprit! Can ye believe it? The very mateys ye trust to have yer back may be the ones puttin’ holes in yer hull!

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